We offer independent 3rd party, unbiased assessments of properties. This means that we have no financial interest in sales or leasing transactions, and we don't quote to repair or correct material defects, safety risks or maintenance issues reported on, so we derive no benefit from the outcome of the inspection. We simply document and report on what was observed on the date of the inspection so that the client is well informed. Should a client undertake remedial work to correct material defects, safety risks or maintenance issues noted, the client can appoint us to review the work done to confirm that the issues have been corrected, so that we can issue an updated report.
Our reports can be used by sellers and lessors, or the seller's or lessor's representative in the case of institutional property owners, to help them complete the Mandatory Disclosure Forms with confidence.
Risk mitigation is also an important factor. With a detailed property inspection and a substantiated report to the client, all the parties can minimise their exposure to liability due to legal action and claims relating to defects discovered after occupation. Benjamin Franklin said, "An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure."
Our chief inspector has a wealth of knowledge and experience in dealing with property and property-related issues since 1989. As a senior construction project manager, he has been engaged on projects in Canada, the UK and Southern Africa for residential (custom homes to midrise apartment buildings), commercial and industrial projects. As a registered builder (NHBRC) and certified Light Steel Frame Builder (SANS517), he has acquired considerable competence for technical inspections of all types of buildings, so our clients are in good hands.
Our inspectors have earned the designation of Certified Professional Inspector​ from InterNACHI (the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors), and are equipped to identify material defects, safety risks and maintenance issues in all systems and structural components of a property, including:
Basement or Cellar, Foundation, Crawlspace & Structure
Heating systems
Cooling systems
Attic (and/or roof cavity), Insulation & Ventilation
Doors, Windows & Interior
You can save yourself a lot of needless frustration, time and money by having your properties professionally inspected. We offer inspection solutions for every industry, which can be tailored to your needs, including:
Residential inspections
Commercial building inspections
Pre-listing inspections, so that sellers and lessors can correct any items which may cost money before listing their properties, giving peace-of-mind to buyers or lessees, potentially speeding up the sales or leasing process
Construction progress assessment
Property condition assessments (long term leases, non-resident property owners with properties which are usually unoccupied).
Maintenance inspections (annual)
Easy-to-read reports designed to give clients an accurate picture of the property's condition
​All inspections are based on a clear scope of work, and the reports are delivered accordingly.
We are well-positioned to serve a wide spectrum of clients: sellers, landlords, buyers, lessees, real estate investors, institutional property owners, estate agents, commercial property brokers, auctioneers, legal firms and auditors dealing with estates, mortgage originators and banks, insurance companies, property management and asset management companies.
Extracts from the ​Property Practitioners Act, 2019 (Government Gazette No. 42746 - 3 October 2019):
Chapter 10 - Consumer Protection
Mandatory Disclosure Form (requiring the disclosure of defects came into effect on 1 February 2022).
67. (1) A property practitioner must—
(a) not accept a mandate unless the seller or lessor of the property has provided him or her with a fully completed and signed mandatory disclosure in the prescribed form; and
(b) provide a copy of the completed mandatory disclosure form to a prospective purchaser or lessee who intends to make an offer for the purchase or lease of a property.
(2) The completed mandatory disclosure form signed by all relevant parties must be attached to any agreement for the sale or lease of a property, and forms an integral part of that agreement, but if such a disclosure form was not completed, signed or attached, the agreement must be interpreted as if no defects or deficiencies of the property were disclosed to the purchaser.
(3)A property practitioner who fails to comply with subsection (1) may be held liable by an affected consumer.
(4) Nothing in this section prevents the Authority from taking action against a property practitioner or imposing an appropriate sanction.
(5) Nothing in this section prevents a consumer, for his or her own account, from undertaking a property inspection to confirm the state of the property before finalising the transaction.
Chapter 10 - Consumer Education and Information
69 . (1) The Authority must from time to time conduct campaigns to educate and inform the general public of their rights in respect of property transactions and property practitioners of their functions, duties and obligations.
(2) A property practitioner owes a buyer and a seller a duty of care.
Extract from Government Gazette No. 45735 - 14 January 2022 - Proclamation 47 of 2022:
36 Mandatory Disclosure
36.1 - 8. Notice regarding advice or inspections:
Both the owner as well as potential buyers of the property may wish to obtain professional advice and/or to undertake a professional inspection of the property. Under such circumstances adequate provisions must be contained in any agreement of sale to be concluded between the parties pertaining to the obtaining of any such professional advice and/or the conducting of required inspections and/or the disclosure of defects and/or the making of required warranties.